online horoscope matching

Role of online horoscope matching in marriage

Horoscope plays an important role in Indian marriage. Indian society considers marriages as an auspicious occasion. Marriage is also a one-time experience and a beautiful moment in one’s life, so everyone wants it to be very perfect.  To make it perfect everyone searches for a good spouse who can give ever happiness. So, searching for such a good spouse horoscope can help you a lot. In Indian society, everyone is interested in going to an Astrologer and checking whether the horoscope or Kundali of both boy and girl matches perfectly or not to eliminate all the bad effects after marriage. Nowadays, instead of going to any Astrologer, you can also try online horoscope matching. There are several applications that you can run on your mobile or laptop to check your horoscope matching.

Matching of horoscope or horoscope compatibility in marriage


In Vedic Astrology Horoscope matching or horoscope compatibility plays a significant role.  The first thing to look for in horoscope matching is the placement of the moon, the Rashi of the moon for a boy or a girl. The moon of the boy should be close to the moon of the girl so that he can reach out to her immediately. Male energy is always the initiative and female energy is kind of receptive. That’s why you have to reach out to a woman so that she should feel that you are always there for her. For example: suppose the moon of the man is in Aries and five houses from Aries is what is Leo. So, if a boy has a moon in Aries, the girl’s moon should be in Taurus, Gemini, cancer, or Leo, this is because this Aries guy can reach out to her immediately. Through online horoscope matching apps, you can calculate the distance perfectly. You have to just put your address properly.

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Manglik Dosha:

The placement of the Mangal (Mars) in a few areas makes a person Manglik. So, you need to see a partner who is compatible with the Manglik person that is both the person should have the same managal’s or mar’s placement.

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Graha Maitri:

Another thing to look out for in horoscope matching is Graha Maitri of the Chandra Rashi, i.e. the moon Zodiac sign and the ascendant. Let’s understand this through an example. If Aries moon is for the boy and Leo moon for the girl, Aries is ruled by Mars, and Leo is ruled by Sun. Both Sun and Moon is a friend. So this is additional compatibility plus point.

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Varna or Jaati:

Here compatibility or matching between the boy and the girl is checked based on the ego level. It has four categories and they are Kshatriya, Brahmins, Baishya, and Sudra. So, what you have to do here is to go to any online horoscope matching app. They will ask you a few questions, through which they can examine your ego.

Also Read: Importance of kundali matching


It calculates the bonding and the mutual relationship between the couples. Here a person is categorized into 5 types and they are jalchar (aquatic animals), Chatuspad (tiny animals like a cow), Nara (human beings), vanchar ( wild animals such as tigers), and keet ( small insects like butterflies).


Here the compatibility between the couple is checked based on the position of the birth star. So, what you have to do here is to go to any online horoscope matching app, there you have to put your birth dates and they will formulate themselves.


It checks the bonding between the couples by measuring the physical, intimacy level. It is categorized into 25 animals like cat, dog, cow, lion, tiger, etc.


It checks the compatibility between couples by measuring temperament and behavior. It is classified into 3 types: Manava(Human being), Deva(God), and Rakshas(Devil). So, what you have to do here is to go to any online horoscope matching app. They will ask you a few questions, through which they can examine your behavior and temperament.


It depends upon the health of the boy and girl. It is classified into three types: Madhya Nadi, Antya Nadi, and Aadi Nadi.

So, these are some of the compatibility factors on which horoscope highly depends on.